Tomasina (“Tommy”) Boyd is a seventeen year-old girl in a quandary: naturally athletic and daring, instilled with fair-minded values and an intense hatred for bullying, she’s enjoyed growing up as the fearless “son” her military colonel dad always wanted.  But now, much as Tomasina tries to deny it, she faces physical and emotional changes that dramatically threaten this long-enjoyed way of life.  Sex has always been an infallible way to “tame” romantic-age females and turn them into bubbleheads, some insidious depowering that will never happen to her, a frustrated TB reasons.  Instead, this extremely vital young woman finds satisfaction in spectacular sports feats and ongoing bouts of martial arts streetfighting, the latter to protect defenseless neighborhood kids against local toughs.  In spite of herself, Tommy is undeniably attracted to pro racer/top athlete Randy Starr, a new guy in the neighborhood who seems bemused by her antics. They spar verbally and athletically on a regular basis, Randy's experience as a ladies' man giving him an easy edge in their battle of the sexes.  In other areas, Tommy tries to please her old-fashioned, anti-feminist guardian Aunt Edwina, ward off salvos from ruthlessly ambitious Marcia Sloan (girlfriend to Boyd's jock rival Chad Parker), throttle black leather cretins Frankie and Pimples whenever possible, and endure the rehab indignities of the Proper Little Miss Finishing School, which is where she's plunked whenever a tomboyish scheme backfires. And for those misadventures, she often has some help...

The quintessential computer geek who collects comic books, nerdy Harold Pinter has been Tommy's best pal and confidant since they were kids.  It's an endearing case of two seemingly opposite people (Pinter hates sports) who are nevertheless kindred, both being unrepentant misfits with good hearts.  Harold serves as the sounding board for his crusader femme's daring schemes against bullies and unscrupulous athletic rivals and is often drafted into her misadventures, much to his ongoing alarm.  Endlessly searching for the girl of his dreams, or at least one who will tolerate his geekiness long enough to accept a date, Harold can't help being turned-on by his old friend Tommy's newly-grown feminine assets.  But she's amusingly oblivious to these changes, he's always thought of her as a sister (though that's getting harder to do), and the beat of their charmingly solid, BFF relationship goes on.

Aggressive, handsome, smooth and savvy while still being boyishly sweet... that's Randy Starr, a car racing champ and Olympic-level athlete who's spending some time as a typical Lincoln Heights youth for publicity reasons.  He gets a genuine kick out of feisty, unconventional Tomasina Boyd, a voluptuous tomboy/mechanic who wants to best him at every turn, and at everything imaginable.  Although Tommy's way out of her league romantically -- experienced Randy gives the unsuspecting girl her very first kiss, which entrances her -- she's just as good if not better than super-confident Starr on the athletic field, or in a high-stakes stock car race.  Will these two attractive competitors wind up together?  Macho Randy seems to prefer more feminine/demure girls, babes who'd much rather make love than arm wrestle or fix engines.  But he's the first to admit that Tommy the tomboy brings a big smile to his face... and maybe, down the line, he'll appreciate a great deal more.

Sharp and ultra-sophisticated for a relatively young woman, twenty year-old Lincoln Heights socialite Marcia Sloan is the ultimate publicist, a super-schemer who will do anything, no matter how vile or outlandish, to achieve her goals.  Her main project is promoting the athletic career of her hunky boyfriend, Chad Parker, a prelude to their marriage as millionaires.  Anything that hinders Chad's rise to national stardom or threatens to distract from his sports-related greatness must be eliminated, better yet crushed ignominiously.  Upstart competitor Tommy Boyd falls into that category, making her a prime target for venomous Marcia.  She schemes almost non-stop to have the female athlete discredited, punished and reprogrammed into an obediant, curtsying girly-girl, a total non-threat to macho Chad's exciting potential as a major sports star.  Given Boyd's indefatigable spirit, Marcia Sloan has her work cut out for her!

A prize athlete devoted to selfishness and superficial comforts in general, Chad Parker happily lets super-brainy partner/girlfriend Marcia Sloan oversee his career trajectory, along with the ongoing humiliation of pesky interferers like Tommy Boyd.  Chad's certainly slick enough and impresses misguided fans as a cool, caring dude, while in truth he's totally amoral a la Marcia: any obstacle to success must be pummeled out of existence.  While part of Chad recognizes Tomasina Boyd's athletic prowess (hard to miss when she's outrunning or outfighting him), his arrogant, chauvinistic ego will never fully accept her as a true competitor.  He publicly dismisses the tomboy as an embarrassing case of arrested development in dire need of discipline and rehabilitation, a theme reflected in Marcia Sloan's always inventive efforts to get Tommy out of the local sports picture, one way or another.

Imagine the Fonz gone rotten.  Frankie is a nasty, leather-jacketed loser who thinks he's the toughest badass in Lincoln Heights.  He and his equally ridiculous partner Pimples enjoy pushing around young, defenseless neighborhood kids, inevitably spurring bully-basher Tommy Boyd into action.  Given Boyd's strong feelings in this area, the girl streetfighter is literally Frankie's arch-nemesis, and her martial arts prowess generally makes quick work of both him and his hulking partner.  The boys do have one major ace up their sleeves: scheming Marcia Sloan often employs them as "tomboy catchers," officially sanctioned by Aunt Edwina herself to haul Tommy in for rehab when she seriously misbehaves.  Frankie has total contempt for the cocky brunette and enjoys nothing more than seeing butt-kicking Boyd reduced to a doll-rocking girly-girl, even if only temporarily.

Less intelligent than his partner Frankie, but just as sexist and arrogant, low-life greaser Pimples lives to cause trouble and push defenseless locals around, from kids to hapless old drunks.  He's been beaten up by a justice-seeking Tommy Boyd more times than his ape's brain can remember.





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